What is Grad Bash?
- Grad Bash is a parent-chaperoned, all-night post-graduation party immediately following our Graduation ceremony.
- This is an event for ALL graduating seniors. Transportation, food, and entertainment are provided, keeping the event safe, sober, drug-free, and totally fun. Each year, the site is undisclosed to the students and chosen by the Mattawan Grad Bash Committee.
- After the graduation ceremony, the graduates will load buses bound for their celebration night of safe, chaperoned fun. In the morning, they are bused back to school, where they are picked up by their parents.
- This wonderful, safe, substance-free party for the class of 2025 has a huge expense attached! We encourage all families to contribute $125 to cover the costs of the event.
- Payment can be made via PayPal or check (made out to Mattawan Grad Bash).
- The money will be spent on transportation, entertainment, and renting a facility. No student will be turned away, especially for an inability to contribute.
- There are many opportunities to volunteer and assist with fundraising.
- May 21, 2025 immediately following the graduation ceremony
- Join and stay connected with our Facebook group: Mattawan High School Grad Bash
- Grad Bash Online Donation Form
- Grad Bash Online Registration – REGISTER by May 7, 2025
REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Click on our registration form and pay via PayPal or check. While a $125 donation is recommended to cover the expense of putting on this amazing celebration for our students, no student will be turned away for being unable to make that donation.
ONLINE DONATION FORM IS NOW OPEN! Grad Bash is solely funded through parent fundraising and donations from area businesses and the community. Thanks to our generous donors, no student will be turned away, especially for an inability to contribute. The cost to sponsor one student is $125.00.
Volunteers are needed for so many things throughout the planning session and that evening. You can get involved by attending one of our committee meetings. Meetings happen monthly and are posted on the Mattawan High School Grad Bash.