Welcome to Mattawan Grad Bash 2025

What is Grad Bash?

  • Grad Bash is a parent-chaperoned, all-night post-graduation party immediately following our Graduation ceremony.
  • This is an event for ALL graduating seniors. Transportation, food, and entertainment are provided, keeping the event safe, sober, drug-free, and totally fun. Each year, the site is undisclosed to the students and chosen by the Mattawan Grad Bash Committee.
  • After the graduation ceremony, the graduates will load buses bound for their celebration night of safe, chaperoned fun. In the morning, they are bused back to school, where they are picked up by their parents.
  • This wonderful, safe, substance-free party for the class of 2025 has a huge expense attached! We encourage all families to contribute $125 to cover the costs of the event.
  • Payment can be made via PayPal or check (made out to Mattawan Grad Bash).
  • The money will be spent on transportation, entertainment, and renting a facility. No student will be turned away, especially for an inability to contribute.
  • There are many opportunities to volunteer and assist with fundraising.


REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Click on our registration form and pay via PayPal or check. While a $125 donation is recommended to cover the expense of putting on this amazing celebration for our students, no student will be turned away for being unable to make that donation.

ONLINE DONATION FORM IS NOW OPEN! Grad Bash is solely funded through parent fundraising and donations from area businesses and the community.  Thanks to our generous donors, no student will be turned away, especially for an inability to contribute.  The cost to sponsor one student is $125.00.

Volunteers are needed for so many things throughout the planning session and that evening. You can get involved by attending one of our committee meetings. Meetings happen monthly and are posted on the Mattawan High School Grad Bash.

Grad Bash Event Details 5/21/2025-5/22/2025

7:00 PM Graduation 

9:00 PM – 9:30 PM Cap toss, family time, change into comfortable clothing

9:30 PM  Check-in at buses outside Miller Auditorium

9:45-9:50  Depart Miller Auditorium

5:45 AM – 6:00 AM Arrive Mattawan High School Parking lot

A venue waiver form and registration are required to attend this event. 

Immediately following the graduation ceremony at Miller Auditorium on Wednesday, May 21, 2025 the graduates will head outside for the traditional cap toss, family gathering, photos, etc. Students should bring a change of clothes to graduation (socks, shoes, comfortable school-appropriate clothing) and will change at Miller Auditorium before boarding the buses. All items (graduation clothing, phones, wallets, purses, car keys, etc) will be sent home with their parents. Everything else they need will be provided, including personal hygiene items in the bathrooms. Substantial food will be available to students throughout the night. NO CELL PHONES will be allowed at Grad Bash. Vaping or the use of tobacco products will be an automatic dismissal from the event. 

Students will check in at the buses outside Miller Auditorium at 9:30PM. Students will be bussed to the secret Grad Bash Celebration location. Photographs and videos may be taken during the event and displayed on the Mattawan High School Grad Bash Facebook page. For all students not wishing to be photographed, please email mhsgradbash@gmail.com stating your wishes. Graduates will be bussed back to the Mattawan High School parking lot for pick up between 5:45 AM – 6:00 AM on Thursday, May 22, 2025. 

If any student needs to leave early from the celebration, we must have written permission from a parent or guardian before the event. An email to mhsgradbash@gmail.com with the parent/guardian’s name and contact cell phone number is required. The pick-up location will be texted to the parent/guardian on the evening of the Grad Bash. Persons picking up the graduate must come inside the area and sign out your student.

Holiday Wreath Fundraiser

MHS Grad Bash 2025 has a Holiday Wreath Fundraiser to raise funds for Grad Bash 2025. These premium Fraser Fir Wreaths are hand-made at Wahmhoff Farms Nursery in Gobles, MI. 
Orders are due by November 14, 2024.
Delivery options:
  • Pick Up: Order a wreath for yourself and/or family & friends.
  • Ship as a gift for a $27 shipping fee PER Wreath / Swag.
  1. Please use this form to complete your order.  You can combine a pick-up order and ONE ship as a gift wreath.
  1. If you want to ship more than one wreath, please complete ONE form PER shipping address.
  1. We will notify you via email and/or text for pick-up orders. The anticipated pick up date is the week after Thanksgiving.

If you have any questions, please contact mhsgradbash@gmail.com, subject line wreath orders.

Thank you for your support!

Euchre Tournament Fundraiser

Date: 1/30/25

There will be an Euchre Tournament on Thursday night, January 30, at Louie’s Corner Bar in Texas Corner. Light Appetizers will be served, and winners will receive cash prizes. 

  1. Click on the Player Registration button to the left
  2. $50 Per Player
  3. 18 Years +